When you own a car wash, purchasing Armor All wholesale products is the best way to ensure that your customers feel satisfied with the service they received and that you save money obtaining the supplies you need. From air fresheners starting at just 21 cents per package of four to protectants, sponges, wipes, and more, Armor All has just what you need to keep your car wash fully stocked.
Don’t Forget the Add-On Items
Your customer has handed over his or her car to an attendant and goes to wait inside for the car to come out the other side. This is the ideal time to display inexpensive add-on items that the customer can purchase when paying for the car wash services. He or she is already in an upbeat mood from having a clean car and is likely willing to spend a few extra dollars to keep it that way.
The vent clip air freshener costs the customer just a few dollars yet provides a long-lasting pleasant fragrance inside of the vehicle. With fragrances to choose from like mountain air, island oasis, and arctic cool, he or she may have a difficult time narrowing it down to just one. Your cashiers should have enough knowledge about add-on products to effectively upsell at the time of checkout.
Show Your Customers That You Can Meet Their Special Requests
No two people have exactly the same car, even when they drive a vehicle with the same year, make, and model. The car means different things to them and they use it for different purposes. They expect car wash operators to treat their car as if it were their own.
One example of a special request is a customer with finished leather seats. He or she may feel anxious about taking the vehicle through your car wash due to concerns that your employees won’t care for the leather properly. You can easily prove the customer wrong and win his or her confidence by using and displaying leather care gel from Armor All. You can obtain the product the next time you place an order for Armor All wholesale products.
Use Armor All Glass Cleaner for the Finishing Touches
Don’t let your customer drive out of the car wash without your employees spraying the windows from the inside and outside with glass cleaner from Armor All. Between fingerprints and humidity on the inside and dead bugs, leaves, and other road debris on the outside, they are bound to be quite dirty. Clean windows complete the service and leave your customer with a car he or she can feel proud to drive home. These are just a few examples of how you can improve service with Armor All wholesale products.