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What You Ought To Know Before Pruning Your Trees


Many of us spend so much time tending our gardens while practically ignoring our trees. And that’s too bad, because properly trimmed trees can dramatically enhance the beauty and increase the value of your home.

But when deciding to prune your trees, there are things you need to know first. Here are pruning tips from Amico gardening experts.

Do your homework.

We know the urge to grab the chainsaw and get cutting is overwhelming for many, but before any wholesale attack gets underway, you need to think about what you are trying to achieve. If it is pruning, go through our step-by-step list to get your priorities in order; stand back and really look at the shape of the tree and what you would like to achieve; and after each cut, stand back again and think about where to go next.

Don’t create a stub.

A stub is a cut that is too far away from the ridge and the collar; there are less hormones in this wood so the wound heals very slowly and is a common entrance for insects and disease, which can then cause dieback. It also looks terrible.

Deal with crossing branches.

Wind blowing over crossing branches will cause the two branches to rub together, damaging their bark. Prune away one or both crossing branches. Trees often produce an errant stem that tends to compete with the main stem. If the codominant stem isn’t removed, the tree will have a weakened multi-forked trunk.

Tend to upward- and downward-pointing.

Remove those branches that emerge from an otherwise healthy lateral branch. These oddly angled branches are trouble for the lateral branch, liable to weaken, not strengthen it.

Trim a broken branch.

It’s best to remove an a broken branch as soon as possible in order to have a clean stub and to reduce the possibility of fungal infection on the ragged break. Suckers, small perpendicular branch-like shoots that come out of the tree’s trunk, make it look unattractive and are prone to breaking. Prune them close to the trunk.

Remove dead branches.

These should be the first of your pruning jobs. Removing dead branches from any tree or shrub is your number one priority, both for health and looks. It also gives you a plan to work from when it comes to planning what to prune back further.

Sometimes you need to be practical. If a tree or shrub is making day-to-day life miserable, you need to cut it back or take it out. This is what makes winter such a great time to prune – you can see the structure of a tree or shrub more easily in winter and you won’t have to deal with wet leaves. It also makes it easier to create a pleasing shape.

Deciding When To Prune

If a tree has a damaged or diseased limb, it can be removed at any time of year and should be done as soon as possible. Generally, the worst time of year to prune is after early spring growth– maintenance pruning at this time can result in stunting of your plant.

Get services from a company that offers an expert landscape maintenance in Sydney like Amico for your landscaping projects.

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