Boats, much like cars, tend to lose their luster after sitting in the sun and water for years. To help keep your boat looking like new, follow the tips below for cleaning and caring for your boat.
- Regular Washes and Waxes
The paint and gelcoat on the exterior of a boat need regular washes and waxes or polishes to remain shiny. Before waxing or polishing, it is essential that your boat is free of all dirt and debris, so be sure to thoroughly wash it first. You should wash your boat with a hose, bucket, good boat soap and wash mitt.
- Maintain Paint Coat
If you have purchased a used boat or have neglected to keep up with the exterior of your boat, consider purchasing marine paint supplies to freshen up the look of your boat.
- Upkeep Seating Material
Most seating areas on boats are made of vinyl, which is a very durable material. You can clean it easily using a gentle detergent such as Dreft or Dawn and a soft scrubbing brush. To keep the vinyl in good condition for longer, store removable pieces below deck or elsewhere. For permanently affixed pieces, consider investing in covers to protect them from the elements.
- Care for Woodwork
Although woodwork on boats is less common than in former years, it is still common to find it on some handrails, toerails, caprails, steps, and decking made of wood. If you prefer to let the wood gray out, you’ll have less maintenance to perform than if you like the woodwork to retain its shine. Either way, a thorough cleaning at least once per season is necessary.
Keeping a clean boat will boost its resale value and keep it looking good and running well for many years to come. Use a little elbow grease, and then get out there and enjoy that boat.