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Guide to Landscaping Perth


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Finding the right landscaping company isn’t always easy, whether you’re needing a landscaping project finished for commercial needs, or even your own home, or as you’re building your home. In this guide to landscaping Perth, we’ll give you some landscaping tips, as well as give you one of the top companies we’ve found in Perth that can give you the best landscaping service for a reasonable price and quality that you’ve been looking for, so you can have one of the best yards in the area.

Follow the Golden Rules of Space

When it comes to looking into proper landscaping, you need to consider the amount of space that you have to work with, and don’t just consider the length and width, but also the vertical space that you have available to your area as well. You need to know about the imaginary line between objects so you can know where to plant the right flowerbeds, and the right plants, trees, shrubs, or even place the right furniture and patio. By using everything conjunctively, you can put together a landscaping masterpiece, or have a landscaping nightmare, so understanding the balance is extremely important.

Look into Popular Trends

Would you have ever imagined having an indoor fireplace put outside? This is actually a very popular trend by mixing comfort of inside the home and placing it out on your patio. Another common thing that you should consider is adding some sort of water body to your landscaping, whether it be a koi pond, a pool, small decorative fountain, or even a cascading waterfall. By keeping up to the trends of today, you can get some good ideas on what you’d like to see for your yard to make it feel just as comfortable and cozy as you do on the inside of your home.

How to Hire the right Landscaping Company

Finding the right landscaping company can make your landscaping projects come to life a lot faster and easier for you, as well as benefit you financially. Many contractors have to be licensed, especially in Australia, and they’ll know zoning laws and regulations that can help you get your project done the way you want it and end up with that masterpiece instead of that nightmare. 

If you hire the right contracting landscaping company, you can also get more savings because many contractors get special discounts from shops and stores in which they get their materials, which would normally cost you a lot more. The best landscaping companies also offer service warranties which means they take pride in making you happy as a customer.


If you’re looking for the best landscaping company in Perth, you can count on Christies Landscapes, with over 15 years of combined experience and serving more than 400 separate projects both commercial and residential. They have excellent reviews and if you need extra proof, you can see their amazing gallery so you know you’re getting the best service that you can find in the area.

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