
Progo Scooter: Smart Device That Won’t Drain Your Wallet


A couple of years ago, a Los Angeles-based company ProGo Recreation expressed a strong desire to start producing ecologically clean vehicles. But unlike other automotive corporations that viewed eco-friendly vehicles as predominantly electric, this group of manufacturers chose propane as the main source of power. And from what we are witnessing now, their choice was 100% reasonable.

Speaking in advance, a propane powered scooter is a type of vehicle that has nothing to do with the cold start troubles of engine jamming. It is designed to have a significant edge over the gasoline scooters. And the key part in this case is played by the four-stroke engine, coming with an easy pull start function.

Features to know about

To start with, the product is compact and lightweight. Its dry weight is only 35 lbs (15.9 kilos), which allows easily carrying and storing the appliance.

As was mentioned earlier, the model is equipped with a 25 cc four-stroke engine, possessing enough power to develop the speed of 20 mph (32 kph). Its sturdy frame with a steel footboard can carry the load of 200 lbs and is designed to provide the highest level of flexibility. Considering the scooter’s maximum width of 17 inches (handle section), it can easily maneuver between cars and avoid dangerous situations. The front and rear disc brakes are attached to immediately react to all the non-standard road situations. A 16.4 oz propane cylinder is constructed to be quickly refilled or replaced and offers up to 3 hours of riding time on a single canister.

In addition, the product is foldable. It will take you just several seconds to fold it and then you can carry it as a bag. Thus, no more alarms or parking troubles. Wherever you go, you can always take your scooter with you.

Advantages over electric vehicles

When comparing this device to electrically-powered vehicles, one aspect usually comes forth – the riding time. Although modern electric cars are equipped with numerous batteries to offer a longer journey, the time they remain on go is still shorter than that of a propane scooter. The problem is that the batteries run out rather quickly, especially if you are moving at high speed. And should they go completely flat, the recharge process may take up to 6-8 hours which creates additional difficulties for a vehicle owner.

In case with a propane-powered scooter, everything is way easier – you put in a fuel canister, pull the cord to start the engine, mount your transport, and go. No constant recharge or expensive battery replacement, the fuel tank is refilled within just a couple of minutes. A full cylinder is usually enough to cover about 30-40 miles in total. If we transform distance into time, you’ll get 2-3 hours of riding.

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