
How To Conduct a Lucky Draw Campaign


Lucky draws or sweepstakes are classic ways of running promotions. They attract a large community and influence business directly. You have to be careful about conducting lucky draw campaigns because if it goes wrong then instead of attracting customers, it rather alienates customers. Following are the things that need to be done to run a successful lucky draw campaign.

Selection of Reward

It is one of the important things to consider during a lucky draw. If not everyone gets a reward, one in a hundred must get some reward. There should not be a system where the winner takes the entire price and others are left with nothing. Instead, having the grade of reward where the winner takes something, the first runner up gets something, and so on. It encourages more people to be involved in such lucky draws and ultimately the brand reaches a large population.


More often the lucky draw doesn’t get successful because of a lack of reach to people. Advertisement plays a big role in the success of the campaign. In the world of technology, using various multimedia platforms would be extremely beneficial.

Follow the Laws

To run a successful lucky draw campaign permission from authority is needed. Recording of such events would be beneficial if a proof is needed to show to the authority. In some states, it is illegal to run such campaigns. So, before planning or organizing such an event it is recommended to know the legality of such a campaign.

Use of Technology

There are plenty of tools and software which help to run such campaigns successfully and fairly. This campaign involves a large population. So, to choose a winner manually is a very difficult and tedious task. Using such tools and software would be extremely beneficial. The winner would be chosen using Free Random Name Software. This software chooses the winner randomly among the various participants. There is an equal probability of being selected as a winner. All the names of participants would be entered in the software and it generates a winner randomly.

Continuous Communication With the Winner

The organizer must make sure that the winner gets the right price at the right time. For the verification of the winner, documents like id card, address card, proof of purchase are needed and these documents must be submitted to the organizer by the winner. There needs to be continuous communication with the winner throughout every step. The winner must be aware of the status of their reward. For better and effective communication with winners using social media platforms like Whatsapp, IMO, a messenger would be useful. They can also communicate through phone calls, SMS.

To run a successful lucky draw campaign organizers must have a set of plans and if above-mentioned things are followed properly then it would be a successful and beneficial event.

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