


A recent study published in Nature Neuroscience found that interacting with others can have a positive impact on how a person deals with addiction. The National Institutes of Health funded the research which was headed up by Dr. Marco Venniro who works on the Intramural Research Program that’s part of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).

The study showed that when rats were given a choice, they almost always chose social interaction over getting methamphetamine or heroin. This was true whether a rat just started having access to a drug or had been taking them for a period of time. And, the rats in the study who spent time with others were much less likely to have a relapse when compared to rats who did not socialize.

Of course, humans are much more complex than rats, but these results are in line with what social scientists have concluded for many years — that when a person feels connected to others, it can help to prevent substance abuse and aid those recovering from addiction.

Many addiction experts have recognized that social support is a key factor for recovery programs and treatments.

One type of addiction treatment is known as the community reinforcement approach and it’s based on creating a new social support system with rewards for not abusing drugs or alcohol.

sober living Florida facility or home offers this kind of support so a person can recover and have an independent life. It’s ideal to help those who are in early recovery from addiction. This type of facility is a safe place with compassionate staff who can ensure your safety, well-being, and recovery. For example, case coordinators, residential managers, behavioral health providers, and other qualified staff with the right training and experience make a big difference.

The early stages of recovery are a critical time since the risk of relapse can be high. This is why a sober living facility with support staff can help to give a person purpose and a life that doesn’t include drugs or alcohol. Additionally, people are with others who are also recovering and striving for wellness so they can share common experiences and feelings.

Research has shown that the longer someone is in an environment without alcohol or drugs, the better the chances for staying sober long-term.

Do you or a loved one need help in recovering from addiction?

If you’re in the Delray Beach area, the RECO Institute offers sober living Florida residences along with an intensive outpatient program. To learn more, visit their website at or call them at 800-993-0821 to speak with a RECO Institute admission specialist.


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